Welcome to TAI
At the Taoist Acupuncture Institute (TAI), our roots are firmly planted in the ancient tradition of acupuncture. Having based our teaching and practice in a deep understanding of the classics texts of Acupuncture, so that we remain closest to its true source and meaning, we nonetheless aim to provide as wide a perspective on ailments as is useful in the clinic. This is why we also bring a multidisciplinary approach to our courses.
Heritage Matters
TAI Course Director - Elie Fayad
Elie Fayad was trained in Classic Acupuncture by Thierry Bollet, who founded IEATC (Institut d’Energetique et Acupuncture Traditionelles Chinoises) in Paris in 1979. Thierry Bollet, was the disciple of Charles Laville-Mery, who trained with some of the greatest Chinese Masters.
Elie Fayad is also a graduate of CCREAT: DNAT (National Diploma of Traditional Acupuncture).
He also trained in: Dr. Truong Thin Vietnamese Acupuncture; J.R Worsley 5 Elements Acupuncture (with Daniel Laurent, Director of the school 5 Elements in France); Vietnamese Acupuncture style "Luc Khi "by Ly Thanh-Trung; pulsology according to the teaching of George Soulié de Morant (with Jacques Deseau); Master Tung's acupuncture.
Furthermore, Elie Fayad has learned the practice of visceral manipulation techniques from George Bernoz, director of the I.S.R. school.
In 2012, he founded the Nice branch of the IEATC school, where he currently teaches. He became the Education Director of the IEATC group of schools in 2014.
He was invited as a speaker at the 5th International Forum of Western Studies on Chinese Medicine held in October 2017 in Kunming (Yunnan / China) to represent the teaching of Classic Acupuncture.
Elie Fayad also runs a private acupuncture practice in Nice. He is married and has three children.
Passion for Transmission
Why “Back to Yi”?
In Taoist cosmology, Tai Yi is the initial unity from which the whole universe emerges. TAI was founded with the intention to give back this original power to the practice of Acupuncture.
In Chinese, the meaning of Tai is ‘great’ and Yi is ‘one’ (meaning: the great unity). But Yi also means ‘traditional medicine’, so what we mean by naming our school TAI and setting our intention as ‘back to Yi’, is that we are aiming to help bring back Acupuncture to its authentic greatness.